latest news from De Yoga Studio

Saying goodbye sometimes hurts a little.


Unfortunately, Zenash is leaving us after more than 2 years. Back to school again, in Leiden.
So if you know of a nice living space for her? Tips are welcome.

After the holidays, Joëlle will take over Zenash's classes (soon we will introduce her to you here) and you will also see Saskia regularly for nice Yin Yoga classes.


More news:

·        From Saturday 14 August, the lessons on Saturday will start half an hour earlier. Get out of bed a little earlier, so a good start to your weekend.
The ashtanga vinyasa 9am-10.15am
The easy ashtanga 10.30-11.45 o'clock

·        From Saturday 11 September you can participate again in our popular 5-week intro to Yoga course (10.30-11.45). Check our website at the events tab to register.

·        From Tuesday 14 September, the pregnancy yoga classes will not only start again on Tuesday (18.45-19.45 hours). But you can also go for a Yin Yoga class at 8.30 pm.


Enjoy your holiday!