scratches on the soul

Humans are unique in the response to their life history. As a child, we adapt to our social environment and with that we develop a healthy ego.
In our early years we learn a lot about life and about loving. We are introduced to existential themes such as feeling welcome in the world, being allowed to be who you are and expressing yourself freely.


Due to the appeal of the outside world, the living conditions or the atmosphere in our family, we are sometimes misunderstood or wronged in some other way. In response, we build a survival response. Any kind of emotional trauma or stressful situation is stored in the body as a spasm. And very often those cramps are not released.
This creates a character structure, fixed in the body, the energy pattern, on the emotional layer and in the way of making contact.


In many spiritual stories we find that once our essence (our soul) has come to earth, it must first be concealed in order to be revealed again when the time is right. At some point, sometimes through a crisis or phase of life, our self-awareness awakens and often we then make an inner decision to look for our essence again and show our actual desires to ourselves and the other.


The body as a gateway to your soul
The body knows what to do to return to this original state, it has a self-regulating system for this. We are challenged to face our entrenched patterns, stress, traumas and triggers. Regulating body and mind through yoga, emotional bodywork, mindfulness and conscious breathing opens the doorway to your soul again.


This frees you from the misconception that the key to fulfillment lies with others and emphasizes that everything you seek can be found within yourself.


"Besides our trusted fine yoga classes, we have a lot more beautiful things to call and feed your soul. We warmly welcome you!"


Fieke and the team of De Yoga Studio