5 redenen om een yoga opleiding te volgen


It would be reasonable to assume that a yoga (teacher) training or education is just for wannabe teachers. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, many trainees and graduates, have no intention of teaching.

For the most part, the focus of the Asthanga Yoga Training is  on “personal development” rather than on the “teaching skills and techniques.” Of course, the training does prepare aspiring teachers to lead their own classes, but it’s also just one of the best ways to deepen your own practice and work on your personal development.

Yogis turn to the Ashtanga Yoga Training for their own personal development when they want to take their practice and study to the next level. Even the most dedicated yogis will sometimes feel like they’ve hit a wall at some point. Classes and even two-hour workshops on the weekend can only go so deep, and that’s why a longer term education is often considered the “next step” for experienced yogis. Some even say it’s what people need to do if they truly want to learn yoga.

Regardless of your teaching aspirations (or lack thereof), an extensive yoga education is an experience that will push you to dig deep and will challenge you mentally and physically. So even if you’re not sure you want to become a yoga teacher, these five benefits of a yoga training are reasons you might still want to go through this immersive program.



Like anything in life, the only way to advance and improve in yoga is to put time into it. But if you’re like most yogis, life tends to get in the way of your practice. While you might strive to practice regularly, the reality for most of us is that work, family, lack of energy, or general busyness can derail our best intentions….

But when you sign up for this training, you’re committing to attending all those sessions and classes, so you inevitably become much more consistent.

This Yoga Alliance certified program also covers practices beyond asana, like meditation, mantra, and pranayama. Regular classes usually only touch lightly on these topics, so this intensive program  might be the only real opportunity to study them.



If you’re considering enrolling in this program, you probably already know that yoga is much more than just a workout. But while many teachers do touch on the history and philosophy of yoga, it’s hard to cover them in much detail…

Students may be surprised by what an enormous topic “the philosophy of yoga” is and in this intensive education program we have the time to dive deeper into this ancient knowledge.


In addition to learning about the philosophies, part of going deeper into yoga is studying the sources of those ideas: the yogic texts. They provide context for the philosophies behind yoga, shed light on the evolution of the practice, and remind practitioners of its original purposes.

Just as valuable as the reading, in this program we require students to discuss texts with fellow trainees.


Studying poses in this program helps trainees make significant advances in their physical practice, regardless of whether they want to become an instructor.

In this Ashtanga Yoga Training the anatomy part is given by an Yoga an anatomy teacher with an ashtanga practice herself. Going beyond learning the names of muscles and bones or the difference between a tendon and a ligament (although that’s covered, too). The anatomy taught in this program emphasizes concepts that are relevant to yoga, like how the body moves and how anatomical structures relate to the alignment of poses. When you understand basic anatomy, it’s easier to understand the purposes and benefits of different poses and how to practice them safely.


When asked about the most meaningful part of their training experience, many grads point to the people they shared it with. In everyday life, it can be hard to find and connect with people who share your interests in yoga, wellness, and spirituality. But when you enrol a program like this, you’re dropped right in the middle of a group of students as hungry for knowledge as you are.

Participating in the Ashtanga Yoga Training means spending 200 hours with your fellow trainees. Beyond spending time together, trainees go through a life-changing, soul-stirring experience as a group.

The Ashtanga Yoga Training pushes you to reflect on your values, question your beliefs, and develop spiritually, and sharing such a personal experience easily creates a bond in the group. Plus, everyone has different backgrounds and experiences to share, and you can learn so much from other students in your training.



Do you want to dive deeper into your yoga journey?

We have run this intensive course since 2008. Many students have gone before you on this yoga path. This year the course will start on Saturday 14th of March.

There are still a few spot available.

Want to know more about this unique training? Have a look here.