Listen to the whisper of your soul

The practice of yoga is about self-awareness. Much more than just the physical effect. ⁠
In the yoga classes that you can follow at De Yoga Studio, our yoga teachers let you experience that space and stillness. To listen and become curious about your inner self. To go deep within, to observe and to discover your own truths.⁠

In the Yoga Sutras (chapter II, verse 30) Patanjali "discusses" the concept of satya (truth): also explained as truthful, honesty, honest, sincere, factual. Applying satya in your life focuses on listening carefully to yourself as an exploration of your most honest, sincere experience in all aspects of your life.⁠

"What do I need or do I want to say?"⁠
“How can I take care of myself here?”⁠
“What is my most sincere desire?”⁠

These kinds of questions lead to discovering your most honest thoughts and feelings. With the answer to this, you can realign yourself and act accordingly. ⁠

And in a year where everything has been turned upside down, it is increasingly important to observe, to listen, to continue to tune in and follow the true path of your heart.⁠

Are you ready for genuine listening? Then join one of our yoga classes and come and experience what yoga is more than just a physical activity
We have an extensive introductory offer so you can choose how you would like to get acquainted with real yoga

See you soon?⁠