Admission and registration


Students must have built up a solid and regular “personal practice” in Ashtanga or other dynamic style of yoga (minimum of 6 months) to participate in this program.
In addition, some basic knowledge is required of the complete Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. This means that you have completed this series (or half primary, upt to navasana) at least a few times before the start of the training.

This is an intensive training and you will be asked to spend 1 to 2 hours a day, or at least 3-4 times a week on your yoga practice during the entire training period. In addition, you will have to take into account around 2-5 hours of homework per week.


After registration and admission, you will have to do some homework before starting the training, such as reading a number of books and submitting a personal book report.



Studenten moeten een solide en regelmatige “personal practice” hebben opgebouwd in Ashtanga of andere dynamische vorm van yoga (minimaal 6 maanden) om aan dit programma mee te kunnen doen.
Daarnaast wordt enige basiskennis gevraagd van de volledige Primary Series van Ashtanga Yoga. Dat betekent dat je deze serie minstens een paar keer helemaal gedaan hebt (of half primary t/m navasana) voor aanvang van de opleiding.

Dit is een intensieve opleiding en er wordt van je gevraagd dagelijks of minimaal 3-4 keer in de week, 1 tot 2 uur te besteden aan je yoga practice, gedurende de hele opleidingsperiode. Daarnaast zul je rekening moeten houden met ongeveer 2-5 uur huiswerk per week.


Na de registratie en toelating, zul je voor begin van aanvang van de opleiding nog wat huiswerk moeten verrichten, zoals het lezen van een aantal boeken en het insturen van een persoonlijk boekverslag.




You can send your fully completed registration form together with a passport photo and the signed conditions to:

The Yoga Studio
for Fieke Klaassen
Scherpakkerweg 9c
5616 HP Eindhoven


Or by email to [email protected]. Please state: registration form asthanga teacher training of + your name



Only when we have received your fully completed registration form and have received your down payment will we schedule an intake with you and reserve a spot for you.
Your place is only final after we have seen you for an intake and we have decided on both sides whether participation in the ashtanga yoga teacher training is appropriate at this time.


If we decide not to make this journey together, you will receive your deposit back.

Of course you can contact us because we can imagine that you still have some questions. This can be done by email to: [email protected] or call on weekdays during office hours. Our telephone number is 040-293 29 99.