Jasper Jansen

My name is Jasper Jansen.


My passion is helping people to feel good about themselves physically and mentally.
I do this by combining the knowledge of my 17+ years as a physiotherapist and manual therapist, and my many years of experience as a kundalini yoga teacher, coach and trainer.


Combining the physical with the mental is very powerful. Because positive change is often not enough if we approach it separately. The mind and the body are inseparable from each other. It is a whole.

And if we work on both, then we can live our best life. A strong physical body gives us the opportunity to move playfully through life, it is our most beautiful instrument, and learning how to take good care of our physical body is a must. Is your physical body less well? Then it will also go less well with you mentally. A strong free spirit gives you the opportunity to approach life with fresh eyes and full of creative energy. When you let go of old energy that you no longer need, you will have energy left to face the challenges that now lie before you and to enjoy life. Learning a daily practice for your body and mind gives you the freedom to live a life that suits you.


Supporting people in this is my passion. It is wonderful to see when people come to life physically and mentally.


In De Yoga Studio I teach kundalini yoga on Thursday evening from 19.00-20.10.